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Sophia Thayer | Bound To The Heart Character Profile

Each quarter, I've been sharing a glimpse into my historical romance novel Bound to the Heart through character profiles. This year introduced the story's protagonists, Zach and Eve as well as Zach's brother, Henry.

To finish up this year's entries into this series, I want to shine a spotlight on the other Thayer sibling at the heart of this WIP: Sophia.

By the way, this character rendering was created using The Sims 4. Any CC used will be noted at the bottom of this post.

Sophia Thayer

As many young ladies do each year, Sophia has traveled to London ahead of the Season. Her chaperone is perhaps an unconventional choice, as it's her older brother taking up the mantle while her parents remain in the countryside, but that matters not when her upbringing has prepared her for such an occasion.

Sophia is everything a Regency debutante is expected to be, and it does not take long for anyone to fall into her good graces—including the peculiar bookworm, Eve.

And, like many girls of London are, she is not immune to the charms of city's newest rake, Mr. St. John—something her brothers are concerned about...

Fun Facts About Sophia

  • Sophia is the older of the two Thayer daughters and the fourth of her siblings.

  • Sophia's best friend is easily her younger sister, Laura, who is not seen on-page but is referenced frequently throughout Bound in the Heart.

  • The most fashionable person in this cast, Sophia relies heavily on various magazines for advice, and she would often ask Zach to send her the latest editions from London publications.

  • Sophia is a character I hesitate to discuss in detail on social media not because I dislike her but because she is involved in a twist I would hate to spoil!

Sophia is a secondary character who may not have the scene-stealing nature of Henry, but there is more to her than meets the eye. It's always the quiet characters who have something going on behind the scenes...

Although Sophia's might be the last character profile for 2023, but there are plenty more to come next year!

As promised, here is the Sims 4 CC used in the creation of Sophia's Sim:


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